Adding or Deleting Students in the Dashboard

This guide will teach you how to add or delete students in classrooms (or edit student information) within the Dashboard.

Video Tutorial on Adding a Student, or Editing Student Information: 

*Please note that only  District  or School Administrators will be able to delete students.

Trouble loading the video? The video tutorial can also be viewed here.


Please note: If using nightly sync changes made in the dashboard could cause duplicate students. Please check out our FAQ for more information 

To add a student:

  1. From the School View, click on the name of Classroom
  2. Click on the Students tab, and then click "+Create Student"
  3. Add the student's first name, last name, DOB, school, classroom, grade level,  student ID number ( if applicable), and any appropriate tags
  4. Click "Create"

To edit a student:

  1. From the Students tab, click on the  "Edit" pencil icon next to the student you'd like to edit
  2. Edit the Student information and click "Update"
To delete a student:
  1. First choose the School where the student is locatedDelete icon-1
  2. From the Students tab,  click on the "Delete" trash can icon next to the student you'd like to delete and remove
  3. A confirmation message will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the student by clicking on the "Delete" button again
  4. *Please note that only District or School Administrators will be able to delete students from a classroom