Progress Monitoring

Find out what progress monitoring materials are available to use via our Next Steps Resources

EarlyBird offers Progress Monitoring in paper-and-pencil format for the following subtests: Letter Name, Letter Sound, Blending, Deletion, Nonword Reading, Rhyming, and Word Reading. These materials allow you to track the progress of individual students in specific skill areas. Below you will find easy instructions on how to locate Progress Monitoring materials for specific subtests:

1. Via the Dashboard, click on the Menu to navigate to Teacher Resources. (Users will be asked to sign into the Teacher Resources using the same email and password that is used to access both the EarlyBird app/screener and the Dashboard).

Navigating Next Steps Resources-1

2. Navigate to one of the subtests that offers Progress Monitoring (Blending, Deletion, First Sound Matching, Letter Name, Letter Sound, Nonword Reading, Nonword Spelling, Rhyming, and Word Reading) by clicking on the Subtest Areas tab found at the top of the page. Subtests with Progress Monitoring materials are identified with an icon below. 

Progress Monitoring Subtests


3. Scroll down to locate the Progress Monitoring section of our Instructional materials.

Progress Monitoring materials

4. Click on the link to open and download the materials and instructions for the specific subtest and skill area you are looking for. Progress Monitoring Instructions